Grade 1 Fatty Liver:
Shaped like a cone, the liver is a dark reddish-brown organ that weighs about 3 pounds and is located in the upper hand portion of the abdominal cavity and top of the stomach, right kidney, and intestines.
The supply of blood to the liver has two distinct sources…
- Oxygenated blood flows in from the hepatic artery
- Nutrient-rich blood flows in from the hepatic portal vein
What are the Symptoms of Liver Problems?
One of the most common symptoms for any person having a liver problem is Jaundice.
The skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow with jaundice because of too much bilirubin in the blood.
Bilirubin is a yellow waste product the liver gets discarded when it breaks down red blood cells.
Some more symptoms include…
- Skin Itching
- Low Blood Pressure
- Confusion or loss of orientation
- Pain in the abdomen
Heal Fatty Liver by simple steps without Medicines

If you want your liver to function properly, If you want to get rid of the fatty liver, If you want to be fit, If you want to lose weight just follow the lifestyle that I will recommend to you in this article
This can change your life…
So in this lifestyle change what you have to do first as you wake up in the morning is drink water after drinking water you have to do exercise you have to exercise for at least 40 to 45 minutes
If you can do more well and good but 40 45 minutes it should be every single day in the morning.
After exercises then you have to drink lemon water with a little bit of salt in it 1 tablespoon of lemon or lime juice is added to a glass of warm water and add a little bit of salt to it this will balance the electrolyte.
Also, this will balance the insulin in your body which will help you to balance the pH in your stomach lots and lots of benefits of drinking lemon water in the morning.
No, you don’t have to add any honey to your drink.
This is not just after your exercise but after 20 30 minutes after you finish exercise you can drink this water and after drinking this water don’t just go directly eat something
You have to wait at least an hour then only eat your meal and this meal is going to be the first meal of your day.
In this lifestyle change, you have to eat only two times. In the morning you can eat between 10 to 11 am that will be ideal if you can eat by 12 that’s also okay to eat at this time
After this, you don’t have to eat up to your dinner time, dinner is going to be near 6 p.m.
Try for that if it’s sometimes 5:30 it’s okay if sometimes it’s 6:30 or 7 it’s also okay but aim for that aim for 6:00 p.m.
But in between if you’re very hungry then you can eat fruits or you can drink Keir or you can drink buttermilk best will be to drink buttermilk and if, more hungry then go for fruits.
So, this is what you have to eat in the daytime.
Now what you will be eating in the breakfast or the brunch and what should be in the dinner just follow the Kapha diet.
Just follow the Kapha diet very simple diet nothing special.
It’s a diet to remove the products that contain mucus that’s it. You have to remove the mucus from your body.
The liver will be free your body will be healthier. So in general terms, I can say mucus the term Kapha is much bigger.
But let’s say mucus for general understanding.
So, you have to follow the Kapha diet there is a whole list of products that you should eat and what you should avoid just see what you are comfortable eating and eat in that way so eat your dinner at 6:00 pm. After 15 20 minutes go for a walk at least for 20 minutes.
You have to walk if the climate is not good then you can just walk inside your apartment if, your apartment is not big enough no issues you are not going to sit for 20 to 25 minutes you’ll be just walking just you can talk with someone on your phone but keep on moving for 20 25 minutes in the evening after your dinner this is what you have to do.
After your dinner you have to drink lemon water as you drink in the morning with a little bit of salt, this will improve your metabolism at night and you are going to burn a little bit more calories than without the use of lemon water, and the salt is going to create osmosis in your body and this will help you in digestion.
This is what just you have to do…
- Follow Kapha Diet
- Eat two times a day
- Do exercise
- Drink Lemon water
This is the biggest medicine in the world correcting your diet correcting your lifestyle.
This is most powerful this is going to give shine to your skin this is going to help you in reducing the fat the extra fat from your body.
Your liver is going to be very happy it will be detoxified just by following these simple steps and why I’m emphasizing eating at 6:00 p.m. at night because this will be the time for sunset if it’s a little early or a little late at your place I just according to that but if you eat at this time then you’ll have a long window of fasting from 6:00 up to morning 10 and this will give time to your body to repair itself the damage that happens throughout the day.
This will be the fasting stage and in this fasting stage your body is going to repair itself and on the next day, you are going to feel more energy you will be more regenerating.
Simple thing but effective. Try them out and if you like it do share this information with other people also so that we all can be healthy and happy together.
What are the Functions of the Liver?
The liver manages most chemical levels in the blood and eliminates a product called bile. This helps extract waste products from the liver.
- All the blood that leaves the stomach and intestines goes through the liver.
- Regulation of blood levels of amino acids, which form the components of proteins.
- Transition of poisonous ammonia to urea
- The liver produces proteins for blood plasma
- Defying infections by making immune factors and extracting bacteria from the bloodstream.
- Stores glycogen and vitamins to be used by the body later.
- Cleans harmful substances out of the blood.
What is Grade 1 Fatty Liver?
Grade 1 fatty liver, also known as mild or simple fatty liver is the least severe type of fatty liver disease.
In the current stage, the amassment of fat in the liver cells is minimum and does not cause significant liver damage.
Grade 1 fatty liver is found where the fat is deposited outside the lever and does not interfere with its functioning.
The fatty liver may cause many complications and can lead to cirrhosis. There are three stages of fatty liver I II & III and are determined by radiologists based on visible differences.
Grade 1 Fatty liver has several risk factors
- Polycystic ovary syndrome
- Type two diabetic
- Sleep apnoea
- An underactive thyroid leads to symptoms such as weight gain, fatigue, constipation, cold intolerance depression, and dry skin.
- Being postmenopausal
- High blood pressure, High blood sugar, and excess body fat
Treatment of Grade 1 Fatty Liver
As per experts, there is no medicine designed to treat fatty liver disease. Instead, doctors recommend lifestyle changes that can improve overall health.
The following treatments may be advised…
- Losing weight reduces fibrosis, inflammation, and fat in the liver.
- Consuming mediations to keep diabetes triglycerides and cholesterol in control
- Refraining from Alcohol.
What foods should you avoid for Grade 1 Fatty liver?
- Soda, Sugar, Juice, lemonade, and other sugary beverages and sports drinks should be avoided
- Cold cuts, Red meats, bacon, and other processed meats should be kept low in the diet.
- Butter and foods containing trans fats like fried foods, doughnuts, and fried chicken.
- Processed snacks such as chips and baked goods such as cookies cakes and pastries should be avoided.
Diet for Fatty Liver
- Consume a whole-food, plant-based diet which includes vegetables fruits, whole grains, nuts, and legumes.
- Include a Lean protein diet such as skinless poultry, fish, beans, and lentils over red meats and processed meats that contain high saturated fats which are high in iron, fiber, and protein.
- Overconsuming can lead to weight gain and increase the risk of fatty liver disease.
- Use smaller plates and bowls to help control your portions.
- When over calories are consumed the extra calories are stored in the liver and other organs which leads to fatty liver development.
- Improved insulin sensitivity, regular running, and walking for at least 30 minutes can decrease the risk of fatty liver disease.
Making simple lifestyle changes can lead to a healthy and fit life in the long term, eliminating and keeping away from such diseases.
Disclaimer: The above recommendations are only for educational purposes. Please always consult your doctor, or healthcare expert before making significant changes and adopting a new diet to your regular routine.
Source: Dr. Vivek Joshi