After several retaliation and objection from users on WhatsApp’s new privacy policy, implementation has been postponed by social messaging app released in its statement.
Earlier WhatsApp stated if Users don’t accept new Privacy Policy till Feb 8th, the account will be no longer accessible to the user, but now users need not to worry about the WhatsApp account deletion if they don’t accept the new privacy policy.
New Privacy Policy Deadline Implementation on May 15 2021.
The world’s largest social messaging app WhatsApp has officially announced that new Privacy Policy will be implemented on May 15. The decision got revamp by WhatsApp, as earlier February 8th was the last day, as they received huge backlash from users stating the new policy is risk to the user’s data privacy.
In a recent blog post published by WhatsApp revealed, Many people had confusion about new privacy policy update that is causing misinformation among users, and company wants to help everyone to understand their principal and facts.
So the social messaging app has extended deadline to analyze and understand the new policy and make a decision out of it.
Is it true that WhatsApp will delete the account on February 8th?
WhatsApp made it clear no accounts will be suspended on February 8th. WhatsApp is going to resolve the deception going around about privacy policy and are going to educate the users how does it works.
The accounts can be led to suspensions after May 15, if user does not accept new policy, but WhatsApp haven’t releases official statement about it.
WhatsApp have cleared in his blog that new policy won’t affect personal messages of users. The changes are affiliated to optional business features on WhatsApp and transparency about how they collect and use.
About WhatsApp.
WhatsApp an amazing technology is world’s largest social messaging app owned by Facebook. It has 2 Billion users worldwide. It was first release in February 2009, 11 years ago by Brian Acton & Jan Koum in Mountain view, California. They are ex-employee of Yahoo.
WhatsApp was obtained by Facebook in February 2014.
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