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10 Days Glass Skin Challenge By Dr.Vivek Joshi


I’m going to share with you a face mask that you have to apply for ten days on your skin and I’m pretty sure that you are going to get the effects.

That’s why I want every one of you to try it. The very simple ingredients we are going to be using are very easily available all over the world

Maybe everything is in your home right now. This mask you can apply in the morning or in the evening as you are comfortable.

How to make this mask? Very simple. We just need very few ingredients.


The first is the ground floor, also known as basen or chickpea flour. One teaspoon will be taking it, plus we’ll be adding one teaspoon of thick curd.

In this, we’ll be adding one capsule of vitamin E.

If your skin is too dry, then you can add a few drops, three to four drops of sweet almond oil.

If sweet almond oil is not available, then you can go for any of the oil that suits your skin better.

So for dry skin, we have to add a few drops of oil.


Next is Honey. One, two teaspoons of honey we’ll be adding in it plus a pinch of turmeric.

The best form of turmeric for the skin is going to be wild turmeric.

But if wild turmeric is not available, then you can go with the simple turmeric that is available everywhere.

So just one pinch of that. If any of the ingredients that I have said are not available or you are allergic to them, then just skip it.

But all others you can use. So take all this, mix it all together and your face mask is ready.

First, you have to clear your face of the dust and all the pollutants.

You can just wash your face using your face wash or any other thing cleansers you can use.

After this. Just take this paste and apply it to your face and massage for at least one to two minutes.

It’s not just you will take the paste and you’ll just apply it and let it dry. No, you have to do the massage and this massage should be a minimum of one to two minutes.

This is very important. You can focus especially on the parts where you want.

For example, if you are having pigmentations anywhere on your face, you can do a good massage of that area particularly.

To apply this, do a massage and after massaging take a little bit more and just apply it as a face mask and let it dry.

We don’t have to wait until it totally dries, we have to semi-dry.

Or you can say when 70% of the mask is dried. Why? Because if it will be 100% dry, it is going to be hard for our face and this we don’t want.

But semi-dry or 70% dry, it’s not going to create any harm, it is going to give you a positive good effect.

So, apply this, wait for a few minutes as it’s 70% dry just take the water and rinse it out.

That’s all!! rinsed it out and after rinsing your face if you feel that your skin is dry then you can apply the moisturizer or the aloe vera gel with whatever you are comfortable.

This face mask is going to shrink your pores. It is going to give you beautiful skin only if you are eating also right? Or you are trying to live a healthy lifestyle.

This mask or any of the creams, moisturize, anything is not going to give you so good effects unless and until your gut is not healthy.

And I hope you understand this and you are trying to live a healthy life and plus you are doing the exercises also then you are surely going to get good results.

I am sure about this. So try it out.

You are beautiful, just doing these things are going to make you more beautiful.

Try to use minimum chemicals in your daily life either eating or applying and try to live healthier and a happier life.

Smile more.

Because smiling is going to bring lots and lots of charm to your face.

Stay happy, stay healthy.

Dr.Vivek Joshi

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