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Why are People Not Getting Married Anymore?


No one knows exactly when the first marriage took place in the World.

People around the world have been getting married for thousands of years. It is a venerable institution, but for some people, it is perhaps a bit too venerable.

As per CNBC International currently world’s 89% population now live in countries with falling marriage rates.  

Among the 38 OECD nations, the falling marriage rate is mostly recorded between 7 and 10 marriages per 1000 people in 1970.

This 7 to 10 further fell to 5 to 7 marriages by 1995 and continues to plunge today.

So, why this is Happening?

A steady marriage has often been bound with financial stability. Married couples in the US are more wealthy than people who live together without being married or singles.

But despite this, the marriage ratio has dropped by nearly 60% in the US since 1970, and the age for first-time marriages has been for both men and women.

Upper-middle-class Americans usually plan their lives systematically in terms of education first, second job and third getting married and finally having kids so that they are in a much better spot both financially and relationship-wise.

Cost of Wedding

Starting a family will lead to all sorts of financial commitments which typically start with a house, followed by a car, family vacations, a kid’s education, etc. Some people choose not to go down this way while others simply can’t afford to.

For working-class families in the US, family life has become much less stable, especially those who earn a bit more than the poorest 20%.   

A Couple of Factors to be considered

One of the major reasons is the changing economy, which makes it very tough for working-class men to have stable jobs.

Since the 1970s, wealthy American adults have kept a steady rate of marriage. But among the middle- and especially lower-income groups, marriages declined to 66% and 38% respectively by 2018.

Since 1970 the literacy rate of American men working in the US labour force has been declining. Also, their income has been recorded as low.

On the other hand, women are finding more stable jobs in today’s service-based, post-industrial economy.

When the men’s ratio of earning money is less as compared to women, it makes men seem less suitable for marriage.

More Reasons

More phenomenon that affects marriage is the rise of secularism in modern societies. In the UK 1 in 3 people say they have no religion and this is one of the important reasons why marriage is no longer seen.

Two years back in 2021, 51% of kids were born outside of marriage, 42% of kids in the European Union and 40% of kids in the US.

Kids born to unmarried parents are generally found in those countries where it is socially acceptable. But in other parts of the world mostly in East and Southeast Asia marriage and birth are highly correlated.

Japan Interest

In Japan, only 2.3% of kids are born outside the marriage which means if Japanese couples don’t get married they are also very unlikely to have kids.

This is a serious problem for Japan as Japan stands for 3rd largest economy in the world and is home to to world’s oldest population.

Because of economic implications governments all over the world are worried. The Japanese government has introduced several incentives to promote marriage from state-funded matchmaking apps to marriage support marriage concierges, but nothing so far the Japanese government has had success.

Due to financial constraints, people worry that they might not have adequate money to support family and raise children.

Chinese women’s thoughts on Marriages

China registered very few marriages in 2022 since public records began and the birth rate recorded lowest the same year.

By 2050 China’s working population will decrease by 10% and not enough babies are being born to replace them, at the same time, the retired population will be doubled.

The Chinese government promotes marriage and childbirth after a sharp reversal from its former one-child policy since 2016.

But this time it’s Chinese women who have limitations about married life. Chinese women tend to spend more time in child care and other related care than their husbands, and also Chinese workspace is not very women-friendly.

Chinese women don’t want to get married or do not want to have children because society is not women-friendly or child-friendly.

Men enjoy the personal freedom that they get for not getting married but at the same time, they are really worried that if they need to set up a family in the near future they will not be able to survive a family with the income.


In Western countries, many youngsters are losing interest in marriage and family life. This will tremendously affect not only the economy but also their social and emotional lives.

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