What happens to your body when you quit Sugar?

What happens to your body when you quit Sugar?

Do you know that white sugar is even more addictive than cocaine? Consuming it can make you susceptible to various diseases. Hidden Sources of Sugar However, we often underestimate the amount of sugar we consume daily from sources such as soft drinks, packaged juices,...
Hot Water: What happens to your body when you drink?

Hot Water: What happens to your body when you drink?

After waking up in the morning, what is the first thing we consume to nourish our bodies? I am sure 90% of you will choose tea or coffee, as these are the two beverages most people consume first thing in the morning. This habit is often linked to complaints such as...
Balaji Wafers: 0 to ₹5000 Crores – A Farmer’s Journey.

Balaji Wafers: 0 to ₹5000 Crores – A Farmer’s Journey.

A poor farmer’s son, who earned only Rs. 90 a month working as a watchman in a cinema hall, never imagined that one day he would establish a company with a turnover exceeding 5,000 crores. It may sound like a story from a film, but it is true. Humble Beginnings:...
How Coconut is Processed and 8 Types of Products Produced

How Coconut is Processed and 8 Types of Products Produced

Coconut is a nutrient-rich fruit of the coconut palm that grows in tropical regions. Coconut water Coconut oil Coconut milk or Coconut meat are used across are used under various industries, from construction and fuel to food and cosmetics. Coconut trees are...
Thailand: Entrepreneur Turning Straw into Paper.

Thailand: Entrepreneur Turning Straw into Paper.

After every harvest, Thailand’s rice farmers burn off the remaining rice straw and stubble to clear their land. The acrid smoke carries far and wide on the wind The harvest is underway in the northern province of Lampang, Thailand. Since early in the morning,...
Top 5 Foods Food Safety Experts Warn Against Eating

Top 5 Foods Food Safety Experts Warn Against Eating

Food safety experts are professionals with substantial knowledge about how food can become tainted and how to prevent food poisoning. Maintaining kitchen hygiene or washing hands regularly is not food safety, but it is beyond that. It can be more about how to prepare...